Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fresh Fruits and Veggies

I have been asked by several people this week about how to save on fresh fruits and veggies. Coupons for fresh veggies are few and far between, so it can be difficult to get great savings on them. But I do have a couple of tips that might help.

1- My first tip is an obvious one,  buy what is in season and shop the store ads.

2- Use a local co-op. My family uses bountiful bakets to get our fresh fruits and vegetables. The basket usually includes 6 fruits and 6 veggies for $15.00 (plus $1.50 handling fee).  All you have to do is go to and create an account. You will have to pay a $3.00 fee for your first basket, but you will never have to pay it again.  In Utah you need to reserve your basket at 10 am Monday morning, you will then pick up your produce the following Saturday at your chosen location. You will also need to take your own basket to bring your produce home in, I just use my laundry basket. You never know from week to week what you will receive in your basket, here is some of what we received this week: ( I know I am missing something, but we already ate them, so now I can't remember what they were)

1 head iceburg lettuce
6 large carrots (they were huge)
5 tomatoes
6-8 nectarines
1 honey dew melon
4 red pears
3 acorn squash
1 bunch swiss chard
5-6 bananas


  1. We LOVE Bountiful Baskets. Do you go to Freedom Elementary?? Is there one closer??

  2. There is a new one that opened up this week at American Fork Jr High, so we are going to give that one a try.
